On this episode, Michael Scott’s guest is drummer Clifford Koufman. Based out of Nashville, Clifford is a respected educator, who founded the Sound & Rhythm Drumming School back in 2000.
Early on in his career, he received a professional development grant to study music in West Africa. He continues to inspire others though his extensive knowledge and experience.
Over 15 years ago, Clifford studied with renowned jazz musician, Ra-Kalam Bob Moses, who continues to be a friend and mentor to him.
Currently, Clifford is working on producing a documentary project to help tell the story of Ra-Kalam Bob Moses, introducing the teachings and philosophies of this unique creative artist.
They talk about his vision and goals for this new project and why it’s essential to help bring this story to a wider audience to help maintain Ra-Kalam’s legacy.
Follow Clifford Koufman at https://www.soundandrhythm.com
Information on the Ra-Kalam Bob Moses Documentary Project